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How to convert website traffic into leads
More traffic to your website does not always mean more revenue. One of the best ways to monetize web traffic into leads and then promote a product or services via email marketing. This is also called inbound marketing. Advertisers like this strategy very much and using it frequently.
The best way to attract traffic is via content marketing. Content marketing is the best done through blogging, social media and email marketing.
Let's take a look at few points that can help you generate leads through website traffic:
1. Landing Pages:
Landing pages are one of the most effective ways to convert a visitor into a lead. While the purpose of many content pages on the website is to provide information, landing pages are designed for contact information.
Putting up several landing pages inside your blog or main content website increases the chance of more people coming to those landing pages via search engines, referral and direct traffic and hence it takes it to leads generation.
You can also add different banners in your blog that link to one of your own landing pages. Other advice is YouTube content marketing. Different landing pages are different and attractive to different people. And it is a god idea to send traffic to the landing pages via your blog and then measure which landing page performs better. A business should have as much as 40-50 landing pages.
You can design your landing page on your own by using plugins and themes.
2. Popup Forms:
Unblockable popups which you may have seen in many websites and blogs are one of the best ways to convert web traffic into leads. You can provide great offers through popup forms in your website or blog.
For Wordpress, there is a plugin called Popup domination which can create popup forms on your website. It is a premium plugin and also offers tracking options.
3. Opt-In Forms in Sidebar and Below Post:
The sidebar of any blog and the area below the posts are the great location for opt-in forms. People pay attention to the sidebars when they are not interested in content and there is a high chance that they will opt-in for a relevant offer.
The above image show the example of opt-in forms in sidebar of a website. You can create your own opt-in forms or you can use Wordpress plugins like OptinSkin where you can create beautiful forms for blog post and sidebars.
And you can also create opt-in forms in videos. A plugin in Wordpress called LeadPlayer is a very effective tool to create opt-in forms inside videos.
And you can also add opt-in forms in header area. It is the most valuable piece of any website. You can also design a custom theme if you have the tools to improvement.
Though there are different techniques to lead generation. The underlying concept is the same. Do attract visitors by promoting the valuable content and then get permission to email them. It can build their trust and then you can go ahead in your business.